The Storyboard Moment Shot List
Long shot, eye-level, static camera view of man
standing on corner with bouquet of flowers behind back as he looks to the left
of the frame.
Mid-shot, eye-level, static camera view of man’s
perspective of apartment buildings across the street.
Close up, high angle, static camera view of door
opening as a woman is seen coming outside.
Close up, eye-level, static camera view on man’s
reaction looking toward left of frame.
Long shot, low angle view as the camera tracks
out with the woman walking down the stairs.
(see 1) except we’re zoomed in closer to the man
as he keeps the flowers hidden
Mid-shot, eye-level view of woman crossing the
street from left to right as the camera crabs in her direction. Note that when she reaches the man, camera
moves to indicate breaking of 180° rule, so man is on left and she is on right.
Close up, eye-level, static camera view of the
couple and their eye contact.
Mid-long shot, eye-level, static camera view
behind the man’s shoulder as he surprises her with the bouquet of flowers.
She’s delighted as she accepts and embraces him.
10. Close
up, high angle, static camera view as they “exchange” kisses.
11. Mid-long
shot, eye-level view as she wraps her arm around his right elbow with the
camera tracking out while they walk away towards top of frame.
The Backstory to this Storyboard Moment
In this particular scene of a romantic comedy, the man is meeting his girlfriend who’s just gotten back from visiting her parents. He hopes to surprise her with a bouquet of her favorite flowers. Their exchange is a kiss, besides his giving her the flowers. The scene ends as they blissfully walk away together to attend to their afternoon plans.
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