Monday, February 13, 2012

MMSP145 - "Quantum of Solace" Shot List Exercise

In this exercise, I analyzed the scale, angle, camera movement and character blocking of scenes or sequencing I found to be compelling. Although there were many scenes that piqued my interest, I decided that the introductory car chase scene had the most dynamism and, of course, I surely don't mind staring at the sexy, sexy Aston Martin Bond car.

// Note: My reference for the different shot types is from this website. However, mind you, my shot list consists primarily of vehicular-related shots, so take it as a general reference.

Shot list:
  1. Extra long-shot (XLS), eye-level camera tracks in toward the mountain from the ocean
  2. Extra close-up (XCU), eye-level, static camera view of the side of James Bond's car (Aston Martin) as it's in motion [as with many of these shots that are just mere glimpses of the scene, this was a quick shot]
  3. XCU, high angle, static camera view of the hood
  4. XCU, eye-level, static camera view of the exhaust
  5. (see 1) except the camera is now zoomed in closer to the mountain
  6. Close-up (CU), eye-level shot of a couple vehicles driving away from the camera as it crabs right
  7. Interior of a vehicle, CU, high angle, static shot of hand preparing ammunition
  8. Medium close-up (MCU), eye-level, static camera view of a vehicle front end as it comes closer toward the camera
  9. Big close-up (BCU), low angle, static camera view of vehicle in (8) as it drives from right to left of frame
  10. (1) at this point, we've tracked in enough to see, from a distance, the tunnel these vehicles are traveling in at the base of the mountain
  11. XCU, eye-level, static camera view of the Aston Martin wheel spinning in action
  12. BCU, eye-level, static camera view of vehicle rear
  13. XCU, eye-level, static shot of the right headlight/front of the vehicle
  14. XCU, eye-level, static shot of Bond's eye
  15. XCU, low angle, static shot of thumb flipping a switch
  16. (14)
  17. (1) camera specifically tracks in to tunnel now as exciting chase music cues
  18. (11)
  19. (3)
  20. Starts with CU, eye-level view of passenger side rear wheel of Bond's car as it drives to the right of the frame passing a couple pedestrian vehicles. The camera then tracks out and subtly crabs right following vehicle direction. Ends with mid-shot (MS), low angle view of the Aston Martin.
  21. BCU, eye-level, static shot of driver's side mirror as vehicles are seen quickly approaching
  22. MS, low angle, static shot of lead pursuing vehicle front end with a man shooting a gun from passenger window as it drives toward the right of the frame
  23. MCU, eye-level, static shot of the man firing weapon towards right of frame (at Bond)
  24. Starts with XCU, eye-level view of the rear hood of Bond's car. The camera pans left as the glass shatters from the rounds fired. The driver's side mirror is where the shot ends.
  25. Starts with MS, low angle, side view of pursuing vehicle with man shooting. The camera pans right and ends when the front hood of the vehicle enters the frame.
  26. Long shot (LS), eye-level view of the rear of Bond's car (on the right side of the frame) driving away from the camera as two pursuing vehicles drive past the camera (from bottom left). The camera slightly tracks in towards the direction of the vehicles.
  27. Starts with XCU, eye-level view of the driver side door of Bond's car with a clear reflection of the assailing vehicle(s) seen. The camera then pans right to enter the two pursuing vehicles into the frame at MS to Mid-long shot (MLS), low angle view. Shot ends with Bond's driver side rear wheel still visible on the left side of the frame along with the two pursuing vehicles.
  28. CU, eye-level, static shot of Bond driving
  29. MCU, eye-level shot of Aston Martin rear as the camera subtly pans left to follow its lane change
  30. Interior of assailant's vehicle, LS, eye-level, static camera view of Bond's car as both vehicles drive past civilian vehicles
  31. BCU, eye-level shot of the front-end of pursuing vehicle as camera pans left to the shooter
  32. (23)
  33. CU, eye-level of truck tire shot and shredding to pieces as the camera pans in closer
  34. Bond's car (on the right side of frame) and the truck (on the left) are seen MS-MCU at eye-level. The tire is shredding fast as the camera tracks out, the truck loses control and veers toward Bond at CU-MCU, eye-level.
  35. Interior of Bond's car, CU, eye-level, static camera view shows Bond driving (from behind) and his eyes are revealed through the rear view mirror. The truck is seen losing control veering left and ends with the rear of the truck directly in front of Bond's car.
  36. LS, high angle, static camera view of the front of the truck as it scrapes against the wall coming CU towards the camera
// Edit: Here is a youtube clip that the shot list references (~0:36 - 1:16). As of this edit, I realize that I missed the shot right after the tracking into the tunnel when he shifts gears and the clutch, brake, and gas pedals are momentarily captured.

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